August 17, 2011

Grace and Grapes

My mother in law prays about everything. If she loses her cell phone, she prays about where to look for it. She has been a HUGE example to me.
So yesterday when I woke up, anticipating a day filled with my hyper 2 year old destroying something else, and my sweet but needy little 7 month old who is already pulling up on everything and crawling everywhere. I prayed that God would give me the patience I have been lacking for the last couple of months. And surprisingly things went fairly well.
Today I forgot to pray that prayer. Then both boys were whining, hanging on me, it was hot and sticky in the house bc I thought leaving the windows open and air off would save a enough money that being a little warm wouldn't be too uncomfortable. Plus I've been missing Hawaii. And today is Hawaii kind of day- 80 degrees, light breeze, no AC.
I could feel a headache coming on from all the noise. How can a 7 month old and 2 year old already be bickering and fighting over toys?
I said outloud "Jesus I need some grace today! Please give me patience to the mom I am supposed to be"
Ryan looked up and said, "Jeebus I want grapes too!".
He thought I said grapes instead of grace. Soo funny, and other than fighting over the fact I gave him salad for lunch lol
things haven't been too bad, and I can feel Jesus calming my nerves a bit through the whining...
Now, since there are no grapes in the frig, I'm not sure Ryan's prayer will be answered as quickly lol. ALthough wouldn't it be outrageous if a neighbor, or Garrett came home with some grapes :D

November 15, 2010

Taking it easy is hard!

Due to some complications with developing pre eclampsia I'm supposed to be taking it easy...while taking care of my hyper 2 year old boy and my husband is in Afghanistan...

Needless to say I'm exhausted 22 hours out of the day...

But then I get these weird burst of energy- maybe it's the nesting or something...
yesterday I totally cleaned, vacuumed my living room. Today I went to take the garbage out and realized the garage had 4 boxes of who knows what to go threw- I ended up spending 2 hours out side (30 degrees and my face being numb lol) I swept, threw tons of crap from college I was saving away, and got rid of 2 whole boxes of stuff.
Tonight as soon as Ryan goes to bed I'll take down my fall/pumpkin decor...

October 16, 2010


I am a very strong conservative and my views and opinions will always show that.
But this is something NO ONE can argue with.
While watching Glen Beck today, a guest pointed out something SHOCKING...

You can go to JAIL for killing/terminating an eagle's egg...
but you get protection and massive riots for your cause when you
get an abortion!


(reference: )